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Women in Financial Services Blog

Working Parents and Carers sub-group

Working Parents and Carers sub-group

Katie.Dix / 07 Sep 2022

Following on from some recent conversations within our membership, I would like bring to you an idea I have had about setting up a sub-group within the membership for working parents and carers.

 I want to create a support group for members, who are facing similar experiences, challenges and successful transitions when returning to work after maternity/paternity leave.

 Some ideas we have around the format: 

  • Meet in London once a month (or less) for in person networking
  • Have an open forum zoom where members discuss their experiences as a working parent/soon to be working parent
  • Guest speakers – similar format to the coffee break, with a focus on the effects of being a parent/carer in the workplace
  • WhatsApp group to share ideas, connect with one another and ask questions
  • Motivational stories – share positive stories from working parents

 If you would like to get involved, please come back to me on email and I will arrange the first meet up in the forthcoming months.

If you are not yet a member of E2W and would like to get involved in all of our various initiatives and support groups, we would be delighted to welcome you to our community. 

E2W is a community of women in Financial Services. Our community is a supportive and progressive group, enabling and encouraging our members to grow and thrive with their careers. Being part of our membership allows you to network, learn, mentor and coach one another. Everything we do, is to support you and your career. 

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