E2W Connecting Women in Financial Services
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Are you ready to become an Alpha Challenger?

We want to change the industry for good, so we know we must help the next generation of female leaders to grow, flourish and achieve their ambitions.

This is why we created our Alpha Challengers group. It’s open to ambitious E2W members who are in the first ten years of their financial services careers and want a caring and supportive network to help them reach the top.

Our Alpha Challengers work together to support each other in a wide range of areas, including personal development and industry knowledge. Where possible, each Alpha Challenger receives a mentor from the wider E2W community to provide them with expert guidance – plus they can offer their own mentoring in turn to young women at university wishing to enter the industry.

We can’t overstate the importance of Alpha Challengers to E2W, which is why Alana Stuart works closely with an Advisory Board from the Alpha Challengers Group. Together, we produce content for our events, support other members and stand up for better diversity, culture and working practices at all levels in the industry.



Membership provides

Sharing the knowledge, is exactly what it says it is! We bring together experts in their fields to help inform and educate the membership on important industry topics from Artificial Intelligence to Ethical Investing (ESG).

Past events:

Episode One: Ethical Investing Responsible Investment is an approach to managing assets, that sees investors include environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in: their decisions about what to invest in and the role they play as owners and creditors.  

Epsiode Two: Artificial Intelligence - How will AI change finance in various business areas: trading, credit equity / analysis, risk management and fraud detection?
Are the various financial participants ready to implement AI. Banks vs Asset managers vs Fintech's  and who will be the winners and losers ? 

Leaders in our industry say they are committed to diversity and that it is a business imperative. For Alpha Challengers change can not come fast enough and is essential if they are going to fulfil their ambitions. An industry where you fulfil your potential based on merit and not on your gender or ethnicity are fundamental to  Alpha Challengers achieving their ambitions and a better more inclusive industry.

Past Events:

Episode One: Diversity After Lockdown 

After years of sometimes painfully slow erosion of myths surrounding people’s ability to work from home, we now have a once in a lifetime opportunity to define a new, new normal, that takes the whole organisation with us. 

An efficient, lower cost, effective and compliant way of working that is inclusive and more adept at embracing diversity.

Firms that take the initiative, adapt, and define a new, new normal will be able to retain and attract the best and more diverse talent. Firms embracing the new, new normal will be a more attractive place for Millennials, Generation X and Women leading to more diverse teams.

Episode Two: Ethnic, Cultural and Social Diversity 

Why is ethic, cultural and social and diversity important ?

How does that translate into workplace? What is the importance of having BAME networks in the workplace?

BAME networks need to have varied audience. In the same way gender conversations need to include men and get senior sponsorship, conversations on ethnicity and diversity need to have people from different backgrounds and ethnicities to make a difference.

Call to action: What can we do to improve ethnic, cultural and social diversity.  

Resilience, visibility, management are just some of the topics that we have covered in events that are designed to help members develop as people in and out of the office. Personal development is key to achieveing and suceeding your goals.

With the support of guest speakers and E2W coaches, we will produce regular virtual and in person content around your own personal development. Areas of focus; confidence building, public speaking, resilience,


We have helped produce a unique mentor scheme for our Alpha Challengers. Working with the wider E2W community, we have a rich resource of senior women who are keen to get involved and support you.

Mentoring on a one-to-one basis is a unique opportunity to step outside of your normal circle of friends and colleagues and gain an intimate understanding of how the world looks through someone else’s eyes and life experiences. Do you remember a former manager, a coach or a teacher who gave you the best advice that changed the trajectory of your life? New perspectives could potentially lead to fresh ideas, and who knows where those new ideas could lead you in your career?  

Past Events

Episode One: Top Tips for a successful mentor relationship


Leaders Plus Fellowship Autumn 2024 Cohort (cross-sector) - Only One Week Left To Apply

Leaders Plus Fellowship Autumn 2024 Cohort (cross-sector) - Only One Week Left To Apply

tara.stanley / 05 Nov 2024

Parents – Progress Your Career with the Leaders Plus Fellowship - Apply by 12th November With the application deadline one week away, there's still time to apply for our Cross-Sector Fellowship. Our previous Fellows have described this experience as "life-transforming"; over half have been promoted since starting...

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