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Q2 partnership report E2W x Young Women’s Trust 2022/23

Q2 partnership report E2W x Young Women’s Trust 2022/23

Tina.Freed / 31 Oct 2022

We are absolutely delighted to have been partnered with the Young Women's Trust for a few years now. We hold very similar values to the Young Women’s Trust and share a commitment to gender equality in the work place. The Young Women's Trust provide CV services, career coaching and grants to support young women, which we are excited to get involved and help with. 

The E2W community have made a great impact this year already, with many new volunteers supporting their CV reviewing services. We are keen to hit our pledged donations target, and would appreciate any support and donations you can make. Visit our Just Giving Page to make a donation. 

  • E2W's team of 18 volunteers have supported 43 young women with CV feedback this quarter, bringing your total to an amazing 79 this financial year.
  • Between July 1st and September 30th 2022, 964 young women were supported through CV feedback and coaching, bringing our financial year-to-date total to 2248 young women supported. Of these young women, 46% reported experiencing mental health problems.15% were living with a disability. 20% had experienced domestic abuse. 

“I am super appreciative for the time someone has taken - I didn't realise it was a service available and I wish I had found it sooner.” 

A young woman who received CV feedback from an E2W volunteer

Why your donations matter

“In April, I got a letter from my energy provider telling me how much my bills were going to be. I felt sick. I remember thinking “How am I going to afford this?” The price of other things started to rise too: my rent skyrocketed. Food bills, other household bills, and the cost of personal essentials soared, and more sacrifices had to be made. Even though I’m employed, I’m finding myself having to juggle bills – it’s a constant balancing act. And, working from home, I’m constantly aware of my electricity usage and how often I’m charging my devices. I worry that living costs will just keep increasing, making it harder for young women like me to survive.”

Sabrina, a young woman involved in Young Women's Trust 

Keep your eyes peeled for E2W's fundraising initiatives over the next few months, where you will have the chance to get involved and sponsor us.

Please contact if you want to get involved or have any questions. 

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