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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

Rhian Bowler / 04 Jan 2018

Rhian Bowler, the E2W career coach asks is there one thing you would like to improve, add or change this year?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

Having recently turned 50 (and loving it!), I’ve taken some time to reflect on whether I need to make changes to anything in my life.  Having a facial at a spa last month, I was advised to think about adding an extra step into my skin care routine (it is currently very simple!):getting myself and children out of the door in the morning for school and work, with the correct PE kit, homework and lunch boxes is a challenge, never mind spending more time on myself!  However, reflecting on the advice and the benefits of spending a little extra time, seemed sensible with hopefully notable reward.  I decided I would make the small investment of time, and make the small change.

At the start of a new year, we can feel under pressure to make new plans and resolutions to improve, change, stop, engage.  Most of these plans and resolutions often drop off the radar after a few months and we don’t make any significant improvements, slipping back into the status of comfort and familiarity.  

But I would suggest that perhaps there were too many resolutions, too many changes undertaken or perhaps the approach wasn’t quite right.  It can be the right time to make real change, and goals can be achieved successfully.

As a career coach with a pragmatic outlook, I would encourage you to stop and reflect, and look in the mirror!  Is there one thing you would like to improve, add or change this year?  Perhaps you would like to enhance your network, improve your visibility at work, boost your confidence, develop your leadership presence, learn new techniques to manage behaviours at work?  By identifying one achievable goal you can work towards over the year, and understanding how you will achieve it, will ensure you follow it through.  Share your plan with a colleague, friend, mentor, coach, who can support you, acting as a portable mirror.

Taking a moment to reflect and re-assess your skills will enhance your self-awareness, and give you a clearer vision of what you want to develop.  I believe my additional skin care step will prove beneficial and worth the extra effort and focus, until it is part of my normal routine.  Take your own moment to look in the mirror and identify a small goal that will reap many benefits for you in 2018.  If you would like my support as coach, please do get in touch.

Happy new year!


If you would like support with developing your network, or coaching, please contact E2W Coach, Rhian Bowler

Rhian Bowler is the E2W career coach with many years’ experience of human resources and coaching at leading organisations.  Rhian is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and a Member and registered professional with the Career Development Institute (CDI).  She is a registered qualified test user with the British Psychological Society (BPS), enabling her to administer a range of developmental psychometric tests in her work

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