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E2W/Young Women’s Trust - Annual partnership report

E2W/Young Women’s Trust - Annual partnership report

Tina.Freed / 03 May 2022

We are delighted to be partnering with the Young Women's Trust for another year and continuing to support their brilliant mission to help young women achieve economic justice. Here is a roundup of the impact E2W have had in the last year. Thank you to our members, who have dedicated time and donated money to the trust. 

Our partnership has had an enormous impact – through your volunteering and fundraising, you’ve helped to support 326 young women over the course of our partnership!

• 13% of all CVs reviewed this year were completed by the E2W team. This financial year, our volunteers reviewed 2,196 CVs and E2W were are most dedicated team responsible for 300 of those.

• In total, 3,931 young women were supported through CV feedback and coaching.

"The feedback I received was insanely helpful (and so quick), I was not expecting anything to that level of detail and I thank you so much for your help. I spent weeks and weeks editing my cv and cover letter, but when I received your feedback I was confident enough to submit it a few days later. I made a lot of changes to my cv, and it now demonstrates my skills perfectly! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" A young woman who received CV feedback from an E2W volunteer

Lucy’s experience using the coaching service

“In 2018 I was made redundant from my role, I had lost a lot of confidence for various reasons and I felt extremely lost. One day I saw an advert on Facebook for Young Women’s Trust and that they offered coaching and CV support so I decided to apply. I was referred for coaching with Charlotte. Before I had coaching I had 20 unsuccessful interviews and I felt so down. Charlotte kept me positive and helped me look at the rejections differently. She really opened my mind and suggested roles that I had not thought of previously. Charlotte tailored the support to what I needed and I felt like I had my own cheerleader on the other end of the phone.

I am now an Engagement Officer for an employability service supporting people who are over 18 into skills training and work. I work with communities, job centres and other employment services and I am now in a place where I can support and coach others. The Young Women’s Trust coaches and the organisation treat each person individually, so you really feel part of a community that helps and supports each other. Coaching, reframing, CV and application feedback meant that I was able to become the person I am today. I owe Young Women’s Trust so much for their guidance and support in opening my eyes to opportunities and helping me to truly believe in myself.”

THANK YOU to E2W for supporting young women in 2021/22!

"When we have a community that we feel we belong to, the world feels a whole lot lighter and brighter than when we face it alone.”

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