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E2W coach Nikki - Dealing with Stress and Fear

E2W coach Nikki - Dealing with Stress and Fear

Katie.Dix / 30 Jun 2020

E2W coach Nikki Hinksman

I have worked in the field of personal and professional development for nearly 20 years building my reputation on the creation and delivery of pragmatic and inspirational programmes that generate lasting change. I'd love to have an introductory conversation with you, to discuss how my coaching and expertise can support you and help get you to where you want to be. Please contact Katie for more information. 

Dealing with Stress and Fear

We are living in incredible times where fear for our health and safety is understandably high. Most of the media coverage and most conversations I’ve been a part of in the last week or so have focused intensely Covid-19 and its impact. April is Stress Awareness Month and the event we’ve planned to mark it feels incredibly pertinent. Who knows whether it will be possible to run it but for the time being I’m choosing to Keep Calm and (with common sense), Carry On.

So as fear levels rise, it’s useful to have some fear busting techniques at your fingertips (btw, fear is incredibly bad for your immune system, so this is more than just a good idea!)

You’re in charge – Only you think your thoughts. If obsessing on fearful thoughts isn’t helping you, refocus your thinking on something that does help you

Focus on now – Worrying tends to take our attention off into the future or to dwell on the past so bring your focus back to the now with the 5,4,3,2,1 technique:

  • Describe 5 things you can see right now
  • Describe 4 things you can feel with your sense of touch
  • Describe 3 sounds you can hear right now or your three favourite sounds
  • Describe 2 things you can smell right now or that you like to smell
  • Describe 1 thing you can taste right now or that you like to taste

Put you first – If you’re not okay, nothing is. We’ve been taught that making decisions that put us first is selfish but I’m here to tell you that’s not true. You are the most important person in your life. Your ability to help others is entirely dependent on you being fit, well, healthy in mind and body. So right now, what decision do you need to make and put into action that puts you first?

Stay safe and well,



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