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Careers Club testimonial from a successful candidate and E2W member

Careers Club testimonial from a successful candidate and E2W member

Katie.Dix / 20 Sep 2022

We thrive on supporting our members to progress and succeed with their professional and personal development, which is why the Careers Club is one of our offerings that I am most proud of. It has proven to be really successful in helping our members get their careers back on track, feel ready to start their searches for a new role, or gives them the tools to go for a promotion internally. 

The Careers Club has been established for three years and we are about to start our 9th cohort. This was designed by Mark and I, who work closely with our community to understand the level of support they require and we are so pleased by the success rate. Hear from our member, Jo, who recently completed the last cohort with us:

In May 2022 I found myself at a difficult point in my career confused about how to move forwards and find the right role for me. Like most of us I am not comfortable or confident in selling myself and my skill set and also a bit scared of the job market in general and making the wrong move.

A friend put me in touch with Katie and the team at E2W and from our first meeting I felt supported. I joined the Career Club and had the privilege of working with some very inspiring women who, amazingly like me felt nervous, lacked confidence and didn’t know how to put themselves positively in the job market and suffered the same ‘imposter’ syndrome.

Over the course of 6 weeks we worked together on a number of areas from enhancing our Linked In profiles to interview techniques.

I am delighted to say I have just started a new role and have an exciting opportunity ahead of me. But - new role aside - I have also added some amazing people, through working with them at the careers group and the fabulous E2W team, to my network. Thank you E2W for all your support at a really challenging time for me

Congratulations Jo! The E2W team are excited for you to embark on your new challenge.

About the Careers Club: 

The club will meet virtually, once a week where we will work through a bespoke programme designed to help you get your career back on track. Whether you are currently working, in-between roles, or you have taken a career break - this programme is open to you all. In addition to working with an intimate, self-supportive group, the E2W team will be on hand to give advice and help members of the club to get their careers back on track.

The topics covered include:

  • Value Propositions 
  • CV’s & LinkedIn profiles 
  • Confidence building
  • Networking and using technology
  • Planning and interview preparation

You can sign up and join our next cohort which is kicking off on January 31st here

Please get in touch directly with Katie if you would like to chat in more detail. 

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