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A successful coaching story from our  charity partner Young Women’s Trust

A successful coaching story from our charity partner Young Women’s Trust

Katie.Dix / 09 Mar 2022

A positive story the Young Women's Trust wanted to share with our community from one of their coaches, Laura.

She was speaking to a young woman who was really struggling with her mental health. The young woman had support from carers and hadn’t left her flat in a very long time.

Our coaches often start conversations by asking what the young woman’s ‘best hopes’ are. What she hopes to get from coaching, what she hopes will improve. This young woman’s ‘best hope’ was to be able to go out to Costa and have a coffee.

In their first session, they talked about strategies for things like getting out of bed,  getting ready, brushing her hair… Coaches try to help young women to visualise what ‘better’ looks like for them, and come up with lots of little steps to get there.

When Laura called the young woman for their next coaching session – the young woman was sitting in Costa!

It’s stories like this that keep me, and my colleagues, motivated. For some young women, ‘better’ might be a different job or a fairer salary. For others, it might mean more confidence.

Whatever a young woman wants to improve in her life, our coaches are skilled at helping them get there.

On International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating all the people who give their time, energy and money to help keep this work going. 

Thank you to all the E2W members who volunteer, donate and support the great partnership we have with this brilliant Charity. If you would like to get involved, please contact katie.dix@e2w.co

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