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Without a strong pipeline of young women entering and thriving in the industry – what’s the point?

Without a strong pipeline of young women entering and thriving in the industry – what’s the point?

Mark.Freed / 11 Aug 2017

Six "A" level students with a desire to follow a career in financial services are keen to get your help and support. 

E2W and the CISI are working together to launch a pilot programme in September to encourage more girls into financial services. Additionally, we aim to engage our community and our clients – acting as sponsors, mentors and role models for participants.
The programme involves taking a qualification aimed at introducing students to financial services. Would you be interested in sponsoring and mentoring a schoolgirl to take the CISI exam?

in thier own words:

Madeleine is 17 and attends Beths Grammar School in the London Borough of Bexley
I am very much interested in Economics and I enjoy keeping up with current affairs relating to the subject area, e.g. the impacts that Brexit could have on large organisations, individuals and the British economy. I want to gain a deeper understanding of core aspects which are central to economics and relate to the core fundamentals of the financial industry. I believe I am business minded, a logical thinker and I enjoy working with numbers. This has driven me to peruse a career which will potentially consist of providing financial advice, working with a variety of firms in making profitable investments and helping individuals and corporate organisations achieve their goals in the industry. 

My passion for the subject area has lead me to attend “A Young Investment Banker Internship”, a programme designed to allow me to develop an understanding in investment banking and develop skills needed to succeed in the industry. I am still keen to develop more knowledge about the financial industry, and I believe this programme will assist me in reaching my ultimate goal and gain the experience needed for the different roles required in the industry.

Natalie is 17 and attends Weald of Kent Grammar School in Tonbridge, Kent
My interests include team sports, netball in particular, engaging in political discussions regarding current affairs and running the Amnesty International organisation at my school. I am looking forward to attending university in September 2018, to study either international relations, or Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). 

Recently I have combined my passion for both politics and finance through watching a series of TED talks discussing the governments intervention in finance, and what makes the bureaucratic system the biggest of all risk takers. I particularly enjoyed Alexander Betts’ talk, where he attempted to shed some light upon the effects that Brexit will have on the market. 

I would be enthused by a career in finance due to the wide range of diversity the financial services industry brings, opening a variety of opportunities and positions. Additionally, I feel the environment is well suited to me, with the fluidity and fast pace that comes with a career in the financial services industry being unparalleled to any other career I could ever imagine.

Paige is 18 and attends Oakwood Park Grammar School in Maidstone
Within school my interests lie particularly in maths, as can be seen by the fact that I take a double A Level in the subject. Outside of school I do a lot of wider reading about finance, with a focus on cryptocurrencies as I find the rises of them very interesting - even though bitcoin is losing its touch in my opinion. I do a lot of general reading as well, I have started Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell recently to learn more about anarchism.

Sporting wise, I compete to a national level for horse riding and have been doing it all my life. I have been attracted to a career in finance for a long time, whether I go into stock broking or investment banking, and a finance degree is what I hope to be doing at university next year. I wish to do this because of my love of maths, and I would like to be able to apply what I learn - which is why I have picked finance over pure maths. That, and the fact that I like something that is fast paced and always changing, which is why I want to pursue a career in it. 

Rose is eighteen and attends the Beths Grammar School in the London Borough of Bexley
Economics is a vital part of the world we live in today and I desire to be a part of this community. I am particularly interested in specialising in economics at university, as I am fascinated in the link between scarcity and how this affects human behaviour. In addition to this, my interest in finance has stemmed from acquiring the skills needed to save money from a young age, and this has motivated me to pursue a career in the financial sector in the future.  As I have grown, I have come to understand the value of money which has been instilled in me. I started off with pence which then developed into pounds with added interest from the bank. This led me to appreciate money from an early stage in life. 

Since developing a love for watching the news and keeping up to date with current affairs, my curiosity has grown in regard to the economic state of countries around the world, especially the United Kingdom - even more so after Brexit. I subscribed to ‘The Economist’, and now find myself reading and analysing particular articles to better my understanding. This has also stemmed from constantly seeking ideas which would impact and contribute to economic equality in the UK.  My interest is continually growing as such, I take advantage of any opportunity which allows me to expand and develop my knowledge.

Freya is 16 and will be attending Langley Park Sixth Form in Beckenham next year
Over the past few years I have developed an interest in business and finance. I think this grew out of a childhood fascination with Dragon’s Den, and the influence of my parents both being involved with businesses. I always asked my parents questions about what makes a business successful and how finance works, the concept of saving and investing, and so on.

I’m especially interested in people; I love people watching, understanding what motivates them, their behaviours, how they respond to challenges of life, what they do and why they do it - this is why I am studying both Sociology and Business Studies at A level. 

My father has worked in financial services for many years, my mother has set up several successful small businesses - their work has always intrigued me. We often talk about opportunities and issues arising in their businesses and I’ve helped with various projects: helping my Mum with email + website composition; teaching her tricks on how to efficiently use the internet for marketing opportunities; organising her diary; taking calls from clients and lots of general administration jobs for different clients. 

I am keen to build a career in financial services because it offers such a broad range of opportunities at all levels - it is so encouraging to see that gender balance in financial services is firmly on the agenda these days, and that UK banks and financial sectors are setting ambitious targets for female representation in senior roles.

Amber is 18 and attends Rainham Mark Grammar School in Gillingham
I have studied mathematics for several years now, and started studying economics at A-level in September 2016. I thoroughly enjoy these subjects and I am considering continuing economics in the future, possibly at degree level. 

Once a week I attend STEP club, in which sixth form students work independently to solve mathematical problems similar to those used in the Oxbridge entry exams. Although often challenging, these enable me to further my thinking skills and adapt previous knowledge and processes. 

I was selected to be part of the team at my previous school to attend an interschool mathematics competition at Cobham Hall, which encouraged me to continue my studies in maths, and interact with other students with similar interests.

I work part-time at a camping store at the checkouts. Although only loosely relevant, it helps me to understand the role of money in a large firm and how the aims of businesses come into action first-hand. 

I am considering a degree in economics or an apprenticeship in accountancy after graduating from Rainham Mark Grammar School, and so this opportunity would provide an invaluable insight and knowledge into the financial sector for which I would be incredibly grateful.

About the Programme:
The CISI ‘Fundamentals of Financial Services’ qualification is designed for 16-19 year olds, and aims to develop essential basic knowledge required for working in financial services - giving them a head start when applying for jobs. Throughout the programme each will gain a broad overview of key parts of the industry: the types of banking, commonly used financial products, and an understanding of financial terminology.
Students will also have access to CISI career insight days, an E2W career coach, and be invited to attend some selected/special E2W events.
Providing students with fundamental knowledge of the industry is an important first step, but we believe that your input will make a real difference. As a mentor, you will provide insight into the sector, and guidance when taking the qualification. Your commitment will be to:

  • Cover the cost of the programme for the student - £150.00
  • An introductory meeting with the student in the workplace
  • 1 call per fortnight – providing motivation and mentoring
  • ½ day visit to your workplace and introduction to the business

E2W seeks to drive change within the industry, through working with both firms and our membership. We believe this is a great example of how we can do just that, and provide more opportunities for young women.
The cost for you to sponsor a student is £150.


Please contact Tina at tina.freed@e2w.co for more details

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