Can you help the Young Women’s Trust by volunteering (virtually) a few hours per month?
Katie.Dix / 31 Aug 2022
Young Women's Trust
Whilst we dedicate ourselves to helping and supporting women, mostly at the top of the social and economic ladder, we are aware that there are women in our society without the advantages and privilege enjoyed by many.
In April 2019 we were introduced to the Young Women’s Trust and were amazed at the work they do to help Young Women who are struggling to live on low or no pay, to get into work that is right for them. The Young Women’s Trust offers these women support similar to that we offer you, our members. The Young Women's Trust offers free coaching and personalised advice on job applications, conducts research, runs campaigns and works with young women to build confidence and advocate for fair financial futures.
As many of you know, we are very proud to have been partnered with the Young Women's Trust charity since 2019. Since then, E2W has made a really big impact by fundraising, volunteering and raising awareness of the fantastic work they do.
Throughout the years, many E2W members have completed various challenges in support of the young women's trust where they have successfully raised money and reached their own personal goals. Members have completed the likes of The Royal Parks Half Marathon, a (virtual) walk from Lands End to John o' Groats, and a commando style assault course. If you would like to get involved in a fundraising activity through E2W on behalf of the trust, please reach out to Katie to talk through ideas.
Alongside these physical activities, we are also very proud of the volunteering work our members have completed during the three years of partnership. As this has been so successful, we are now looking for more willing volunteers to help support the young women the charity works with.
What the volunteering opportunity is:
Directly support young women to find work by reviewing CVs and job applications and providing in-depth feedback.
Young Women’s Trust hears time and again from young women saying that they’ve applied to hundreds of jobs and heard nothing back. They say it’s demoralising, upsetting and is having a terrible impact on their mental health. The CV feedback service links young women to volunteers who have experience of working in professional environments. Volunteers give in-depth, personalised feedback so young women can improve their applications and secure an interview.
- Volunteers commit to reviewing at least one CV per fortnight for six months over email.
- They pick a regular day of the week to receive a young woman’s CV or job application.
- This will be the same day for the duration of their volunteering time. If they need to change it, they can let Young Women’s Trust know.
- Young Women’s Trust will send a feedback request email on the volunteer’s chosen day, either weekly or fortnightly.
- The volunteer then has 4 working days to complete their feedback and return it to the Young Women’s Trust team.
- Allow between 2 -3 hours to write feedback.
- All volunteers will receive an induction and example and template documents to help them get started.
Katie from E2W will introduce you to a point of contact at Young Women's Trust who will take you through the induction.
Inductions are held on Zoom and are approximately 45 minutes long. A member of the Young Women’s Trust team will cover the logistics of volunteering, give guidance on how to provide feedback, and there will be time at the end to ask questions.
Getting started
After the induction, Young Women’s Trust will send each volunteer a link to the online Volunteer Agreement where they can agree to a code of conduct and share their details and preferred start date.
Young Women’s Trust will then start sending them a CV or job application to review.
Keeping in touch
All volunteers receive a monthly email with tips and updates about the service and the young women they’re supporting.
If you are interested in volunteering through E2W, please get in touch to included on the next cohort of volunteers by emailing
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