E2W Connecting Women in Financial Services
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Working for Women - What does an organisation that really works for women look like?  

We help our clients to map out their gender diversity landscape as a financial institution, focusing on five key themes:

Commitment to gender diversity needs to come from the Board - target setting, budget allocation, appointment of leaders responsible for gender diversity, measuring success are just a few examples of how they can lead from the front as well as ensuring, of course, that the Board itself is gender diverse.   

The adage that if you do things in the same old way, you’ll generate the same old results certainly holds true with today’s recruitment processes.  Firms need to re-engineer recruitment taking on board E2W’s Eight Recruitment Strategies for Financial Institutions to Meet their Gender Diversity Targets.

This means creating a flexible and supportive environment where everyone can contribute, be recognised and reach their full potential. What are the opportunities for flexible working and parental leave? Does the culture support diversity of thought or is their bias (unconscious) towards one group?

Are strategies in place to encourage women into the industry, particularly in disciplines where addressing the gender gap is most urgent – technology and front office?  Are strategies in place to ensure that women succeed – mentoring, coaching, supporting high potentials? 

The transparency afforded by Gender Pay Gap Reporting and the Women in Finance Charter enable us to see how firms in the industry are progressing against their commitments and how they compare to their peers.

The financial services firms listed here are going the extra mile. They are, in our opinion, great places for our Members and our wider community to work.

If you are also a leader and would like to feature your company as ‘a firm that works for women’, please get in touch to discuss how E2W can promote your business as a diversity and inclusion leader by featuring your firm as one that is committed to diversity and following our framework. 

Want to know how E2W can help you to become a leader - then visit our services page.   

Our membership network is full of talented senior women in financial services who are looking to continue, rebuild or boost their careers with E2W – and they’re looking for employers like you. 



Investec is a distinctive international bank and wealth management business with a vibrant UK headquarters in the City of London. Investec puts belonging, inclusion and diversity of thought at the heart of its culture. Its refreshingly human approach means its people have the freedom to operate and be themselves in...

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Man Group

Man Group is an active investment management firm with a global presence and US$114.1bn under management. There are six principles at the core of the business and two of the most striking are ‘Differentiation - We seek to be differentiated and original in our thinking.’ and ...

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Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is one of the preeminent global financial services’ firms and has its European headquarters in London. They offer a full range of services covering mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, fixed income and equity financing, as well as secondary trading, research, foreign exchange, commodities, securities lending, asset management and prime...

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