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E2W Workshop: Heating up - The Pace of Regulation for PSPs/EMIs
08 Dec 2020
18:00pm - 19:00pm

E2W Workshop: Heating up - The Pace of Regulation for PSPs/EMIs

From your PC, laptop or phone on 8th December at 18:00hrs

E2W Workshops are created to help build our member's knowledge and interests on topics that are relatable to Financial Services. We are pleased to be presenting an informative session hosted by our member Allison Strachan.

Allison Strachan is a Treasury Risk specialist and was most recently the Head of Capital Management at Natwest Markets plc. Her responsibilities included day-to-day capital management oversight, capital budgeting, intra-group lending, capital issuance, ICAAP and Recovery Planning but also crossed over into Enterprise Wide Risk with her focus on risk appetite and RCSA controls.

Allison previously held senior capital and tax roles at Standard Chartered Bank with a focus on ICAAP and stress testing, capital deployment, M&A and restructuring. She is also a Chartered Accountant.

Workshop synopsis:

Does the financial services sector learn from history and how long does it take to implement the lessons? Is it right to expect PSPs and EMIs to "jump to maturity" in terms of Risk Management Frameworks when it took banks over 30 years? Regulatory focus is increasing for these firms. But why now? How big of a priority is it? It might be time to get ahead of the regulatory agenda.


To join:  E2W Members please follow the link below at 18:00hrs on 8th December.  

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84424280746?pwd=RVQweTNKSm53bWh2c25LQ04vSTJBUT09

Meeting ID: 844 2428 0746

Passcode: 795865


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