E2 Passions - The joys and challenges of being a charity trustee - E2W member panel discussion
From your PC, laptop or phone
From your PC, laptop or phone every other Wednesday at 12:00
Come and join other members of the E2W community for a virtual chat, meet old and new friends and maintain a strong network. We are welcoming members and non-members to join.
For this week’s E2 Passions series we welcome our special guests, Amélie Chowna, Laura Faircloth, Andreea Georgescu and Judit Seymour
About the session:
Becoming a charity trustee is often the first step towards developing a portfolio career, or it can simply support the development of other skills outside the executive environment.
However, by definition charities have less financial resources, fewer clear processes and weaker governance, which is why being a charity trustee may feel both incredibly rewarding yet frustrating at times.
Amélie Chowna, who became a charity trustee in February 2022, has assembled a panel of E2W members, comprising of: Laura Faircloth, Andreea Georgescu and Judit Seymour for this session.
The panelists will be sharing their experience and answering questions from the audience.
Follow the link below on Wednesday 12th October at 12pm to join us.
https://zoom.us/j/694319869?pwd=Wmc4YlJPeEhsbUtGNHhRMnN4VnZvUT09 Meeting ID: 694 319 869 Password: 013524
Please follow the link above from your PC, mobile or computer to join. Please contact Katie, if you would like to discuss in more detail.
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