E2 Inspired - Finding your voice in a male dominated crowd
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From your PC, laptop or phone every other Wednesday at 12:00
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For this week’s E2 Inspired series we welcome our special guest, Lorna Armitage.
Finding your voice in a male dominated crowd.
I will share my experience of being ignored and trying to be heard in not just one but two sectors, both investment and cybersecurity.
About the Session
Lorna Armitage is one of three Co-founders at CAPSLOCK. She has previously worked as a senior academic developing computer science and cyber security degrees, as well as working for over 10 years as a leading cyber security consultant in both the private and public sector.
Follow the link below on Wednesday 27th April at 12pm to join us.
https://zoom.us/j/694319869?pwd=Wmc4YlJPeEhsbUtGNHhRMnN4VnZvUT09 Meeting ID: 694 319 869 Password: 013524
Please follow the link above from your PC, mobile or computer to join. Please contact Katie, if you would like to discuss in more detail.
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