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E2 Inspired: Career conversations with E2W/Men for Inclusion members; Iva Horčicová, Alvaro Ferreira and Joy Mpofu
30 Mar 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm

E2 Inspired: Career conversations with E2W/Men for Inclusion members; Iva Horčicová, Alvaro Ferreira and Joy Mpofu

From your PC, laptop or phone

From your PC, laptop or phone every Wednesday at 12:00

Come and join other members of the E2W community for a virtual chat, meet old and new friends and maintain a strong network. We are welcoming members and non-members to join.

For this week’s E2 Inspired series we welcome our special guests, Iva Horčicová, Alvaro Ferreira and Joy Mpofu

Do you know that every chuckle, shared joke or moment to share brings a raft of business benefits, according to research by the London Business School? Join us on Wednesday at 12 noon to spend time with our special guests as they share humorous stories, moments of success and dodging the pitfalls during the early to mid-levels of their careers. 

Follow the link below on Wednesday 30th March at 12pm to join us. 

https://zoom.us/j/694319869?pwd=Wmc4YlJPeEhsbUtGNHhRMnN4VnZvUT09 Meeting ID: 694 319 869  Password: 013524

Please follow the link above from your PC, mobile or computer to join. Please contact Katie, if you would like to discuss in more detail

Register below to add this event to your calendar 

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