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Being Woke – Positive or Negative
17 May 2022
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Being Woke – Positive or Negative


Follow the link to join on the day: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87117502168?pwd=Y2Vzci9xaHhVamdsajJYTzN0MWowQT09

Come and join other Men for Inclusion 'Inclusionists' for our fortnightly virtual chat and discussion. We are welcoming members and non-members to join.

This week we will be discussing and sharing thoughts on “Being Woke – Positive or Negative”

The Urban Dictionary, which published its original definition defines woke as being aware, knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice).

The term ‘woke’ is at the centre of many of the fiercest political and cultural debates at the moment. Some people say being woke is a sign of awareness to all social issues, others whip out the term as an insult.

Compliment or insult, it rather depends on your point of view and priorities. If you're called woke for being an advocate for gender, racial and socioeconomic equality then do you take it as a compliment – although it may have been delivered as an insult? Others are accused of being ultra-woke and derailing DE&I initiatives by advocating what their accusers regard as marginal interests. 

Are the un-woke and the ultra-woke derailing the work done by those in the centre?




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